ICT & Environment Assignment
You will plan, carry out an audit and report on several elements of the environmental impacts of an organisation’s data center or ICT use. The term “some” implies that, because this activity will be time and resource constrained, you will need to make some choices and justify those choices. This will require you to select or develop the tools and techniques you will use, to develop a time plan to conduct a media supported audit and to deliver the results in some appropriate presentation format (a power point presentation with audio is suggested). You are also required to produce an audit report for your client.
In order to achieve this outcome, you choose ONLY one of the following options:
Option 1: Audit
- A1-1 – Select a target organisation as your client
- A1-2 – Determine the scope of the project (i.e. what parts of the organisation; what elements of environmental impact; what ICT components are to be included; which aspect/s of the cloud infrastructure)
- A1-3 – Create a time plan for the audit
- A1-4 – Remotely carry out the proposed work
Option 2: Cloud infrastructure
- A2-1 – Select a target organisation with cloud infrastructure
- A2-2 – Collate relevant baseline information about the organisation’s cloud infrastructure
- A2-3 – Develop a simulated enhanced energy efficient model of the cloud infrastructure and make a critical comparative analysis of the enhanced and baseline performances
Option 3: Experiments
- A3-1 – Select a target IT solutions organisation
- A3-2 – Conduct an audit on the type of software, hardware, ICT infrastructure or IT systems used within the organisation
- A3-3 – Design a set of experiments to investigate the factors that have impact on the energy consumption of one of the items listed in A3-2
- A3-4 – Carry out the experiments in A3-3
For Options 1 – 3,
- Produce a power point presentation with audio to depict the research process and findings
- You will also be expected to produce a commentary in the form of a briefing document (aka audit report with 4000 ± 10% words) which presents the background to the decisions made, the data collection methods used, any additional interpretation of the data which you have decided to omit from the presentation, critique and recommendations for further research (e.g. greening of business operations/processes by ICT).